4153 1399 71 Princess St, Bundaberg QLD 4670 Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 7:45 am-5:30 pm • Saturday 8:00 am-12:00 pm

Hello again every one!

This week I wanted to talk about one of my favourite subjects –> WILDLIFE! I think it is so important for veterinarians to offer their knowledge and care to the native animals of Australia, after all they are what makes this country so special!

We have had an increase in wild life brought into the clinic recently. The cutest little animal we have had in is a baby Grey Kangaroo, who is estimated to be 200 days old. His mother was hit by a car leaving him with spinal injuries (sadly she passed away), often these animals have to be euthanaised because they would never survive in the wild.

I decided to give him a chance, and although you should never name wildlife (because you get so attached!) he has been nicknamed ‘Grey’. X-rays were taken of his spine and no bones had been affected, this meant it was more likely he had suffered from disc or nerve injury. On the first day he was at the clinic he was unable to move his legs at all. I started him on steroidal treatment at quiet high doses – this can take a toll on the body but for this little Roo it was all or nothing! Three days later the little Grey would move his legs when his toes were pinched –> in terms of spinal injury this was a big improvement! It has only been 5 days since he came into our care and he now is able to move his legs small amounts on his own.

It has taken a lot of dedication from our Nursing staff to get Grey to this point – every 4 hours his bladder has to be manually expressed to be emptied and he needs 4 bottle feeds a day. He is remaining in hospital care until he regains better use of his legs, at which point he will go to a qualified wild life carer.

We are very lucky in Bundaberg to have such amazing wildlife carers. They need to be applauded for the valiant efforts, some of them can care for up to 20 animals at a time, feeding them, cleaning up after them and giving them some much needed TLC. Unfortunately wild life care takes a massive emotional toll on people, as it isnt uncommon to have animals pass away due to their injuries. These carers just keep on going though helping keep Australias animals fighting fit!

If you’d like to know more about wild life care please contact the clinic or visit the Bundaberg wildlife care website:


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