Using our in-house laboratory, our equipment (ultrasound, ECG, X-ray unit) and using our very experienced veterinarians and animal health professional staff we can test and monitor the health of animals. As the animal develops during the first year of life so problems can be detected and solutions can be found to maximise the health of the developing adult.
During the following years we recommend yearly check up including a blood test for general health and an examination by one of our veterinarians so that the overall health of the animal can be monitored.
As the animal ages and enters its senior years, health monitoring and screening can detect organs that are starting to develop “wear and tear” so that nutrition or medication can be instigated to make sure the animal’s problems can be rectified or at least minimized.
Problems such as osteoporosis, rickets, dental decay, hip dysplasia, spinal development problems, arthritis, bone tumours, anaemia, kidney failure, liver problems, pancreatitis, heart defects, growth deformities, nutritional problems, behavioural problems, bladder stones, urinary tract infections, leukaemia, blood parasites, skin problems, parasites, heartworm, eye degenerations, chronic ear infections, tumours – internal and external, spinal degeneration can be detected by using a health screen on your animal.
We recommend animals undergo a health screen at 7 months of age, then a health screen every 2nd year of their life until they are 8 years of age and then once a year until they are 13 years of age and then a health screen every 6 months.